10 Best Home Remedies for Pimples
Pimple is a kind of inflammation of the skin where the sebaceous glands (oil glands) present on the skin get infected with bacteria, swell up, and get pus. They can make your life miserable due to its bad appearance. Everyone wants to get rid of utter horror when you notice that you’ve got a pimple, and somehow it’s always you have some important meeting or you don’t feel comfortable out with friends and people see at your pimples more than your sweet dimples. Don’t rush to the store until you try one the home remedies crafted from the best of the experiments around the world. We have filtered the list after studying the best of home remedies that one could have known ever, Below you’ll find a list of home remedies that can get rid of that frightful pimple. # 1 Turmeric with Lemon Juice or Yogurt: Try a small amount of turmeric mixed with a little lemon juice or yogurt all over the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Its an ancient ayurveda recipe,Works like magic...