Benefits of cucumber

Iodine is found in raw cucumber . Bell is charged on cucumber fruit . Swasthewardhdk and rainfall occurring in summer and autumn cucumber cucumber is considered pathogenic . Cucumber, sweet in taste , Mutrkark , Watermark , delicious and tends to suppress bile .
Vomiting , irritation , fatigue , thirst , homeopathy , cucumber profitable in diabetes . Cucumber overdose is suspected of having indigestion , dyspepsia , use of cucumber with food but is mitigated .
Is the only species of cucumber cucumber and cucumber . In cucumber cucumbers more than the quantity of water is found . Cucumber seeds are also used in medicine .
Cucumber juice is extracted and mouth , hands and feet and face beauty plaster on the growth they have no dawn .
Sniff cucumber cut off from the unconscious is unconscious .
By grinding the seeds of cucumber mint drink in summer Grmijny get rid of disorders .
Cucumber seeds with water to make paste by grinding the face of the facial skin healthy and glossy.
Cucumber juice mixed with sugar or sugar intake is away from the obstruction of urine .
Feeding sugar to kill with cucumber kernel of the benefits of calculus disease .


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