
Showing posts from June, 2014
Lentils - Using lentil dal is a frequently all over India. It is well known to all. All India mainly in areas with cold climates, tropical and Shitoshnktibndhiy up to 1800 m altitude is cultivated The 15-75 cm tall, erect, soft - pubescent, herbaceous plant is its flowers are small, white, purple or pink consists of characters. The pod smooth, Krishna character,6-9 millimeters long, sharp and green is part of Agra. Each pod 2, round, smooth, 4 mm diameter, flat and light pink are the seeds of the florid characters. These seeds are eaten by Dal. The florescence Flkal December-January and from March to April. The seeds of calcium, phosphorous, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, aluminum, copper, zinc, protein, vitamin D, etc. Carbohydrate and found elements. Medicinal properties of lentil 1 - lentils, torches, make its ashes, the ashes are rubbed on the teeth, the teeth are all disease away. 2 - lentil flour mixed with ghee and milk, paste the freck

Plum is very useful in summer

Plum - It originally received in Europe and western Asia India, especially in the western temperate Himalayas Jammu and Kashmir , Himachal Pradesh , Uttarakhand and areas in South India Nilgiri whose origins are at an altitude of 1500-2100 meters  The fruit shape and shiny raw fruits and ripe citrus fruit citrus - are sweet yellow pulp and a large seed inside the fruit is it 's a type of tree leaves yellow gum , acacia gum , which reflected the goods the florescence and is from February to July Flkal The fruit Protein , Carbohydrate , fat , calcium , magnesium , iron , potassium , vitamin C and organic acids are found  see oil , protein , Carbohydrate , minerals and is found Migladin  medicinal use of plums - 1 - hemorrhage Remove the leaves of prune juice 1-2 drops of nasal hemorrhage has the benefit of putting 2 - Pittwikar - Sweet plummy fruit intake of food prior to the mitigation of the biliary disorders 3 - Udrkrimi Prune belly paste by grinding the leaves are rem