Plum is very useful in summer

Plum -

It originally received in Europe and western Asia India, especially in the western temperate Himalayas Jammu and Kashmir , Himachal Pradesh , Uttarakhand and areas in South India Nilgiri whose origins are at an altitude of 1500-2100 meters  The fruit shape and shiny raw fruits and ripe citrus fruit citrus - are sweet yellow pulp and a large seed inside the fruit is it 's a type of tree leaves yellow gum , acacia gum , which reflected the goods the florescence and is from February to July Flkal
The fruit Protein , Carbohydrate , fat , calcium , magnesium , iron , potassium , vitamin C and organic acids are found  see oil , protein , Carbohydrate , minerals and is found Migladin  medicinal use of plums -
1 - hemorrhage
Remove the leaves of prune juice 1-2 drops of nasal hemorrhage has the benefit of putting
2 - Pittwikar -
Sweet plummy fruit intake of food prior to the mitigation of the biliary disorders
3 - Udrkrimi
Prune belly paste by grinding the leaves are removed from intestinal worms
4 - craving -
Quenching of thirst and consumption of plums is detested
5 - indigestion -
The seeds of dry fruits like almonds (dry fruits) , as has the benefit of indigestion from eating
6 - Smritivrdhnarth -
The kernel of the seed consumption of plums gradually increasing memory 


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