
Abdominal - Air and sooner or later everyone is going to be a common problem. Speak flatulence stomach gas . It occurs when the body is covered with massive amounts of gas . Many diseases can prevent it in the stomach , such as acidity, constipation , stomach pain , headache , nausea, restlessness , etc. . May be due to the formation of gas in the stomach which we will discuss here today .

Reason -

1. Be Ovrprodkshn of bacteria in the gut .

2 . Too much fiber in the diet .

3 . Pepper - Spices , Fried - roasted things to eat .

4 . Digestive -related disorders

5 . Beans , kidney beans , chick peas , beans , vetch , urad dal , fast food , bread and someone - anyone hungry or eating more than milk . Because of cold drink with dinner gaseous elements. Eating stale food and drinking water with gas is bad .

Home Remedies -

* A daily serving of tomato salad with the meal would be advantageous . Black salt is eaten if it is so much to gain . The patient should not eat raw tomatoes calculus .

* 1/ 2 teaspoon dry ginger powder bike and it got a Chuti asafetida and rock salt in one cup of hot water pour drink.

* Headache due to gas insert tea pepper dust . The benefits of drinking tea .

* There was some fresh ginger slices soaked in lime juice after meals to get relief from sucking .

Give the kids a little parsley .

* One hour after meal 1 teaspoon black pepper , 1 teaspoon dry ginger 1 teaspoon cardamom grains and 1/2 teaspoon mixed with water and sip.

* Air harad at issue must mix the powder with honey .

* Parsley , cumin , black salt in equal quantity and grind small harad . Elders from two to six grams of water immediately after eating it. Limit for children .

* Small pieces of ginger sprinkle salt on it and eat it several times a day . Gas problem get rid of the body will be light and open feel hungry .

Vajraana : After dinner sit crouched . Keep both hands on the knees . From 5 to 15 minutes .
Gas digestion is weak . The gas will not increase the appetite . Agnisar action against intestinal digestion will improve the strength of yoga .


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