Follow these steps if you can not sleep

Not good you sleep at night ? Or a time awake after sleep does not come back ? Say but hard to sleep well after changing lifestyle and stressful routine action-packed day in the complaint that too often come to us not sleep yet we tend to ignore it . Many times, the insomniacs problem is so severe that it can affect our mental health . So if you suffer from sleep-related problems such must follow these steps .

It 's your body's sleep and wake cycles are balanced .

Clean Bedroom
There is strong relationship between sleep and relaxation . If you clean your bedroom will calm the mind and sleep will come easily . For deep sleep so that you can run music in the bedroom light Instrumentl get mental peace, and sleep will come soon .

Take them away
After a day of work if you stick to the computer or television , even in moments of comfort , so they make a short distance . At least sleep before starting work on the computer so please be avoided . Also , at night , do not drink coffee and tea . Get too spicy and heavy food at night .

Beneficial Diet
Take a glass of warm milk before bed . This recipe is very effective to relieve insomnia . Also, you cherry , poppy seeds , nuts etc. You can also intake . Ayurvedic treatment is also effective in this direction . Ayurveda Bbune dried flowers ( Chamomile Flower ) , advises the use of lavender , etc. , but be sure to consult a doctor first . Drink plenty of water before bed .

Massage of the feet
Before bedtime extremities to clean and massage your soles . This is especially true body and blood flow is fatigue . For good sleep the day before bedtime massage your insomnia problem will be solved .

Yoga is also helpful
Well, yoga and exercise for a healthy body is to be effective on only some are even yoga to sleep well . Such as Shavasana , Vajrasana , etc. Bramri Pranaym . Regularly to get rid of the problem of insomnia and fatigue will dissipate completely .

from sumit rajpara's blog.......


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